Taiwan Food Taipei & Bio-Pharmatech exhibition.

Taiwan Food Taipei & Bio Pharmatech

 Taiwan Food Taipei & Bio Pharmatech exhibition was held on 14th June 2023.

In this exhibition, many companies exhibit their own Food & Pharmaceutical Production technologies.

 NFA Korea & Yenchen, exhibited and shows live demostration of SELMA200-H, an Auto Tablet & Capsule Vision Inspection Machine and rechieved amazing results.

Please look forward to further news from NFA in the future.
And thank you for your interest in NFA Korea.

Author : Oliver Kim (International Sales Assistant Manager) 

Giving a live presentation for customers

Picture 1 – NFA engineer is giving a live presentation to the customers.


Taiwan Broadcasting Company is filming the SELMA200-H

Picture 2 – Taiwan Broadcasting Company is filming the SELMA200-H operating.


Mr. Mophi is giving a live presentation to the customers.

Picture 3 – Mr. Mophi and Yenchen employee are giving a live presentation to the customers.













국내 제약용 검사장비 최초로 미국 특허 획득

The first Korean pharmaceutical inspection machine acquiring USA patent.